Advice/Words of encouragement please

Hugs Purplekitty, I'm sorry that everything is getting to you all at once. I know what its like to feel buried. can you take any time for yourself - even if its just to grab a cup of coffee and rest at a starbucks for a few minutes? Or how about a little manicure to make you relax and feel better? Journaling helps me get things off my mind when I need to sleep at night. Get a lot of rest for your meds and hope you feel better soon!
Purplekitty *hugs*.... I know what it's like when your bad health just makes you feel depressed, and you can't do anything about it....well like the other ladies suggested give yourself time, write a journal, go through the medication, believe it will work, the doctors will help you out.
For now treat yourself with your favorite music, good and healthy food ,visit or call friends, read, watch your favorite TVshow, manicure, sleep a WILL all get better soon. Hang in there.
It's okay, we all have these tough times. We all fall into ruts, and it seems like we will never come out, but I promise you, you will. It will all make you stronger! We are all here for you! (((HUGS)))

I'm sorry to hear what you are going through.

Health is the most important thing we have, without it we are nothing and most of the time we take it for granted. And the worst thing is we cannot really control of it. Unlike other problems, you can't just got and "look for another health" if it fails! I totally understand why you feel like there's no way out.

That being said, you can use positive thinking and learn how to live with it till it's fixed. Why not think you only have 6 weeks to go now! Did you say you managed 2 weeks of antibiotics without the horrible side effects that usually come with them? That's an achievement, your body must be quite strong after all.

As for your studies- if your teachers are aware that you are ill... trust me teachers are not evil monsters! If you do badly in an exam, they might even let you retake it. Maybe it'd be a good idea to ask your parents to talk to your school etc.

Finally... remember when you feel you've hit bottom... you can only go up!!!!

:crybaby:You guys are sooooooo sweet! Thank you all so very much for all of your advice and words of encouragement. I will be going back to this thread periodlically just to reread all of these wondeful, caring posts. Thank you Thank you!! All of the ideas here are great and I am going to try them! I figure once I get to mid-November, things will start getting back to normal(I hope.) I just have to find an easy way until then. Thank you all very very much, I don't know what I would do without you!:heart:
Thanks, quenda!! I find that prayer always helps, and I always know that God is taking care of me, I keep reminding myself of that saying, "God will never give you more that you can handle." Thanks.:heart:
Hi, I hope I'm not too late. Life sucks sometimes. Some things happen we don't choose. But, you have control over how you want to deal with it. Recently, I had some problems I didn't know how to resolve and I was feeling down for a bit. I didn't allow myself to wallow and tried to pick myself up by taking myself out. I started a thread asking for ideas and I was amazed by the huge number of replies I've got from all the wonderful people here. And I did take myself out and let me tell you, it was fun! :tup: So maybe you should try that too. Hope this helps.
^^Thanks, trixz:heart:, and you aren't too late at all, I still have made no progress in regards to the health issue and piles of work buiding up. I did go out today and did some shopping, it helped cheer me up and get my mind off stuff, and plus, buying new things is always fun!
All of you are so great, this is what makes tPF so special and unique, is its caring and sweet members. Thanks for all the advice, it helps so much.:heart:
Fun, huh? :smile: When you feel happier, your health will improve. Maybe that's the reason why your antibiotics didn't work cuz you've been feeling down the whole time. And when you feel better, you are also more capable of managing the workload efficiently. You can't possibly make progress in all areas in a short span of time. Take one step at a time. The good thing is, you've taken the first step and you are on the way to be back in the swing of things. Cheers! :drinkup: