Acne scars solution, anyone???


Jun 13, 2007
I have lots of acne scars. They are not deep because Ive been trying not to pick at them. However, they are still visible. Im not really familiar with any of the beauty products at all, so I hope that you gals and pals could help me out on this. What would you recommend using to make the acne scars go away besides laser treatment. I have been thinking about laser treatment lately but it is toooo freaking expensive. Is there any other cheaper way that is still effective???
I just did a Chemical Peel. I have some pitted scars(only like 3, but STILL!) on my right cheek and the peel really helped, a LOT! Im still peeling from the peel, but I can already see a difference. If you can handle looking like a Snake for about a week, I highly recommend a Chemical Peel.
You should visit a dermatologist. The only thing I've used that ever worked are perscription medicines like Retin-A and Tazorac. (You need to be on birth control when you use these.) It took about a year on Tazorac but the scars are gone.
When you guys are talking about scars do you mean ones that are grooved in the skin, or just dark marks? I have a few dark marks left over from some acne and have been looking for something to get rid of them...anyone know of a product?
Im talking about both. BTW, Im a dude. I dont think birth control is going to work for me. LOL

When you guys are talking about scars do you mean ones that are grooved in the skin, or just dark marks? I have a few dark marks left over from some acne and have been looking for something to get rid of them...anyone know of a product?
I zoomed in ur thread for a lil bit and am trying to drink more water. I always have white heads. They hurt like a mother. LOL. And they are gross. They are the reason why I get really self-conscious. Hopefully the water thing is going to help.
visit your derm. or get one :smile:

most helpful thing in the world, other than drinking water. join my water club? :smile:
Ive used Oil of Olay foaming penetrares 7 layers of skin to even out discoloration, etc.....I can def say it works but it takes TIME...

However, I thought I would try using it on a year old scar from before on my arm and some bug bite markes on my legs and 6 months can TOTALLY see a difference...but like i said it does take time
Try using a vitamin E product...Vitamin C is good too. The Body Shop has some really good Vitamin E and C products. Use a gentle exfoliator once a week (or chemical peel). With time though, the scars will disappear if they're not that deep.
Hi there, I bought this product that I had read about online. I had initially bought it for stretchmarks but I ended up using it on my face. I tend to break out more now that I'm in my 30's than I did when I was a teenager. Also the acne that I get now is different than the acne of a teen. They are not able to pop and it seems like the acne grows under the skin and just swells. Anyway, I bought this product that I have been using for about 3 months now. It is called Super E Natural Vitamin E Ointment. You can find it for very cheap online only through I didn't visit the local store, but I read that this product is only available online. I don't use it daily as I should, but I do put it on my acne as soon as I see it pop up and it does remove it. I have also been putting it on my scars because the acne that I get now seems to scar without me even popping it. I hope this works. I know I love it and I apply it at night.
So far, I have been able to keep up with the new water drinking habit. I could totally see the different already. It seems like my face has stopped breaking out and the skin has become less bumpy!! Thanks frostedcouture. The next step to do would be how to get rid of the scars. I dont think my scars are deep but rather discolored. Thanx for all of the advice but I really need to think carefully on what product to purchase that could be helpful. I heard that different products have different on each ethnicity's complexion, such as Shisheido is really good for asian's skin type, etc. Is that true?? Forgive me if I sound stupid. Also, I need to be educated on the different b/w exfoliating and cleansing. To me, they both remove dead skin and the impurities. The only difference is that you only exfoliate once a week whereas cleansing is the daily routine. Why do we need to exfoliate if we are cleansing everyday??