Accessories overkill.


Jan 2, 2007
I just had to share the most amazing sight I saw at the weekend. A lady dressed in black and white (not chanel) With huge Chanel CC glasses, White Cambon bowler with black CC's, Large Black J12, Black and white CC logo pumps, carrying a chanel shopping bag. :roflmfao:

Does anyone else see the picture. :wtf: Is there definately some Chanel accessories overkill going on here. How many CC logo's should a girl wear at the same time???? Opinions please!!!!!!!!!!
That's funny ... I just hope she's getting paid to wear all that CHANEL stuff. Personally, I think that's too overdone, but I guess to each his own, right?
That's hilarious. My mom does stuff like that sometimes. I mean it's not THAT bad but she carries a GST, wears sunglasses and the black or gold ballet flats with the smaller logo on the cap toe. They're more understated logos I guess but I still laugh sometimes.
I usually just have one of my bags and sunglasses (though now I'm wearing LV ones). Or I'll forgo the bag and use an understated LV one and wear my black/black Cambon flats. It actually looks decent.
perhaps it was the black white combo that made it more obvious... i imagine if the logos were less conspicuous and more tasteful it might have worked better. that being said that definitely sounds like overkill to me.