A couple new goodies *PICS*

Congrats.. the reade are just soo cute.. however, I am such a big girl and the bags look tiny when i m carrying it.. Hee.. I dont remember which member have a pic of her daughter carry a reade.. thats soo cute.. (for awhile.. I want to get a reade so that when my daughter is born and at certain age... she can carry hers around like that cute baby in the thread)
Thank you so much everyone!!!!!!!

The kitty in the picture is a Red Persian (and his name is Sir Chester Cheesy Poof...but he prefers being called Cheese)!!!

As for fingerprints....I didn't really notice them...but when I showed my husband he commented right away on seeing one! And then I look inside and found this big huge buffing cloth!
I'm thinking that because it is a bag....it might not be too bad, since I'll mostly be handling the handles.