First of all, has anyone purchased Louboutins from Bluefly? I know some of the girls in the Chloe section have received fake bags from Bluefly, so I was wondering if their Louboutins are authentic.
Secondly, has anyone seen these in a size 7?? I love them, but no one seems to have them anywhere online or anywhere near me.
Bluefly - Find Women's Designer Dress Shoes at discount prices at - #2039099 - Christian Louboutin aqua suede 'Round' ankle wrap sandals
Secondly, has anyone seen these in a size 7?? I love them, but no one seems to have them anywhere online or anywhere near me.
Bluefly - Find Women's Designer Dress Shoes at discount prices at - #2039099 - Christian Louboutin aqua suede 'Round' ankle wrap sandals