for those who are still brave enough to sell on ebay!
After reading all these stories, I will still list but am nervous!!
After reading all these stories, I will still list but am nervous!!
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You can always list today without pictures and add them tomorrow. Just write picture(s) pending in your listing.Thanks for the heads up- wish I could take advantage but still haven't quite figured out how to get my pictures from photobucket to ebay..need my 16 year old's help and she's got mid terms until tomorrow..
for those who are still brave enough to sell on ebay!
After reading all these stories, I will still list but am nervous!!
I can't because I just took photos of a bag and they look yellow in the light. Maybe later. I often get good photos in my room at night - the colour's even fine, often better light than the day in my room. (I don't like taking bags outside, something could happen. Plus - the weather!)
I had an LV all set to go, but eBay is restricting some accounts from selling LV!
This really stinks! I need better warning. Those photos I took REALLY stink - all yellow. It's weird. Sometimes though I just try again later and it's ok. Perhaps a different colour bag (this was white).
I'm waiting on acceptance to Poupette Luxe, but three times I sent too large photos that were bounced. The help person was great - I didn't think that was the issue. My smaller photos went through fine, now I just need to wait. (I may need to send another bill scan, because I didn't know which to choose - my name's not on any utilities.)
Including 5-12 pics or need extra fees? Thanks a lot for this information I think I'll list my CB pap/retro, wish me luck there
Thanks for the heads up- wish I could take advantage but still haven't quite figured out how to get my pictures from photobucket to ebay..need my 16 year old's help and she's got mid terms until tomorrow..
Would anyone please tell me how to find out if there are watchers watching my listing?