Mabels fight back

old bags rule

Jul 27, 2008
I really don't know how this happened! Many of you will be familiar with the nasty siege situation last week when my Mabel 3 held my new Roxy hostage, and demanded Pebble Mabel before they would release her. It was a terrible day, but ended well with the Mabels accepting my offer of a Pink Cracked Leather Mabel in exchange.

Well yesterday the Pink Mabel arrived, instant love, absolutely stunning - Mabels happy. It was then followed by a 2nd box - a Denim Mabel. I vaguely remember SM telling me that they had a Denim Mabel in at the time I ordered the Pink, I might have decided to order both and choose between them (new 7 day cooling off period and all that).

Obviously the morale of this story is never expect to be able to choose between two bags, they are both gorgeous and are both staying.

Photos to follow
Those Mabels are sneaky devils. The word must have got round on the grapevine that your house is the place to be, Mabel heaven.
Barricade the door fast & I'd nail up the windows too.
Seeing as these two Mabels have made it through the snow drifts to reach you, we really ought to see pictures of them.
The pictures of the bags on their own are a truer guide to their colour. The pink is absolutely gorgeous, but will demand some serious show shopping. Now I am looking at the Denim here, is it awfully like my Ocean Blue?
OBR, I think the shade is totally different to ocean - it looks more like an aqua colour - it's really lovely.

It's hard to see it properly as the pics are quite small, but I think you've done well sourcing those bags, congratulations!
Wowzer! They are both show stoppers but I particularly love the denim. What a fab colour. It's much softer than the ocean blue (which is a colour I really love) so you'll get use out of both in the summer. Pink is a cracker too.