Marc Jacobs Joker pictures anyone?

That is the borscht belt humor. The likes of Henny Youngman, etc. These comedians got their starts and honed their skills in the Catskill Mountains(around 2 hrs north of NYC) after WWII. Think many of them would roll over in their graves when they think of how much these bags are going for...they did not make that kind of money playing the "mountains" as they were refer to
Aparently its Richard Prince Joke bag

I mean, the name of this joke bag.

I have seen 4 designs in store- mancrazy, graduate, heartbreaker and one more which the name is too long to remember. However, I can't find this particular design on the retail list.

In fact, this was the one I really like but I can't find it anywhere so I decided on Mancrazy which is the next closest. If this will be a retail piece, I am seriously going to give up Mancrazy.

Is this particular design for sale?