Disney LV mono!


Life is short. Buy the bag.
Jan 3, 2008
I was in the Disney store with my kids today and I saw a new line of "handbags". The bags are dark brown with MM and Mouse Ears outlined in gold. It is a Mickey Mouse version of LV. Yikes! What will they think of next??
I think that there is nothing wrong with this collection with disney. It's clearly a disney version of handbags not "LV". Let it go.

I would never mistaken this collection with Louis Vuitton and I don't think anyone will.
Honestly, these do not bother me...I'd SO much rather see people carrying bags like these than a fake LV. Remember, not everyone can afford LV or wants to buy LV.
If I wasn't into LV, it would probably be something I would like...it doesn't even look like real LV so it's nothing I'd lose sleep over.
I also think it's better than fakes. After an ugly history with sweatshops and child labor, Disney really cleaned up their act and we can be pretty sure the workers who made those bags worked in legal conditions.
I actually like them...I think they're cute. I rather the preteens I see go for something like this than their colorful Dooney's...then at least I could see some variety at the mall.

I'm sure a lot of Disney fanatics would probably go for them!