Wristlet + treo

Bag Fetish

Iphone Addict!
Mar 28, 2006
Anyone use /have both of these? Does your treo fit into the wristlet?



I looooove that stripe wristlet. ;) I have a phone roughly the size of a Treo with no antenna...I have trouble fitting mine, even though it SHOULD fit. It just won't go into or out of the wristlet without a struggle.
I have a Treo 755p (same exact size and body as the 680) and I am able to put it in just about any wristlet but it's a tight fit in the smaller/slim ones. You can't get much else in there. The second one, the pink mini signature one, would work well and have lots of room to spare. I eBayed all of my smaller wristlets when I started carrying a Treo and so I currently have a black leather Carly wristlet and a black signature duffle wristlet. The Carly wristlet works the best!