Rogue Pod alert

Wow, just found this thread... I'm so glad there's still love for the little critters! :shame:
Fiatflux - I'll hold on to a multicoloured chintz for you! :yes:
Jenova, Amiekbs, Wiggligirl - THANK YOU!! :heart: And watch out for the postman...
Could someone give me a little more background info on these little guys? They're adorable but I've never heard of them. What are they used for?
They are like little coin purses to hang on the outside of your handbag. Balenciaga made them in the past, and now a nice lady, Friponne, makes similar ones, the Rogue Pods. They are adorable, and come in many colors and patterns. I think the 'heads up' was for a bunch that were on ebay, but now there is only 1 available. They are really cute! RealDealCollections has some on her website as well. :yes::yes:
Here is the one that is available, but look at the completed auctions to see the fab colors!