Scarves Scarf of the Day 2022 - Which Hermès scarf are you wearing today?

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Also, a propos of the one neck dilemma-- here is a January post from the wonderful @Ladybaga, who wistfully wondered if there couldn't be a Hydra-Octopus H monster to allow for nine necks and eight arms!

On, but the coordination dilemma… :shocked::girlshocked:
Though on the upside, with eight arms I could probably manage a friendship knot, or two, in the mix… :lol:

amusing little addition: my autocorrect just tried to change “friendship knot” to “fiendish knot”. :roflmfao:
I really love this design - however, I have huge problems with my complexion with e v e r y single cw. Could only make 2 cw "wearable for me" and unfortunately can't wear either in the style I usually choose (just bifold around the neck). Would it be possible for you to post the scarf in biasfold (the two corners each would be perfect) and maybe a "cowboy-knot"? Oh, that would be wonderful and so helpful!!! Anyway, thank you for sharing this beautiful scarf it looks so lovely on you.
Thank you so much. This is an easy going color way, very versatile I would say. I will gladly post pictures but will need to wait for the weekend to have daylight. Bifold is my go-to tying style, too.
Also, a propos of the one neck dilemma-- here is a January post from the wonderful @Ladybaga, who wistfully wondered if there couldn't be a Hydra-Octopus H monster to allow for nine necks and eight arms!
"Thank you, LKBNOLA, for the clarification on the three headed Cerberus. I need to brush up on my mythology. I am laughing at the nine necks for more scarf wearing possibilities! Count me in on that, too! I always said the same about bracelets. I can only stack so many on one arm, so if I could just be an octopus, I would be covered. Hmmm...imagine a Hydra-Octopus combo! That would allow for a lot of Hermes accessory wearability! :lol:"
With all of your beautiful silks, you need nine necks so that we can enjoy the eye candy! Thanks for the shout out!
I miss you lovelies here!! I need to get back to posting in this thread. You all are responsible for my silky addiction!
Hugs and love to all here!!!
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