What do you do when you get mad at someone?


Jun 12, 2007
I get caught up in the moment and usually say really flat-out mean stuff. It just kind of spills out of my mouth even though half of it I don't honestly mean.

Any advice to restrain from saying really hurtful stuff to people I care about?
It's called pride...we all have it and would rather scream out nasty things we don't mean than be the first to apologize. But what I try doing is stopping and saying to myself "Do I really want to say that?". Or, simply walk away or hang up the phone, take a breather and get back to it later when I'm not as upset.
I used to do that. (My mother would say the worst things to me when she got mad at me.) But then I realized me saying those things won't do any good, and I don't want to stoop her level.

I still say them but not to their face. I have a 'rant mode' either by myself or with someone I trust and then I'll go back and try to fix the problem.
I'm always tempted by my parents because they do not respect me and still tread me as a child...sad I know but would never say nasty things to them.

If it was a stranger, sure, why not? I did nothing to provoke the hostility.
But then there are time when I just can't be bothered.
I get caught up in the moment and usually say really flat-out mean stuff. It just kind of spills out of my mouth even though half of it I don't honestly mean.

Any advice to restrain from saying really hurtful stuff to people I care about?

I used to do the same thing, and 9 time out of 10 actually swing on whoever Im arguing with. It takes A LOT to walk away, but thats what I do now. I also know I am now over the age of 18 and can be arrested and sent to jail for some of the things I used to do when an argument broke out,so that has calmed me down a lot lol.
Although, I got into an argument with a girl about a year ago...I was walking away...then she said something that just made me snap. Thank god my SO was there, he prevented me from doing anything I would regret.
i'm probably not like what most girls are like: I'm usually very quiet when I'm mad. People told me that it's scary when I'm really quiet haha...idk what's the problem, just leave me alone when i'm quiet...haha..
I used to do that too. But as I get older, preserving relationships means so much to me. Unless it's really off the charts, I just hold it in. Write a nasty-gram but don't send it. Or else give them a piece of my mind in my head but don't say anything to the person IRL.

I just hate it when I have to get nasty with anyone. :sad:
I sometimes say really nasty stuff....I tend to have a knee jerk reaction....lately I have been taking more time to think about what I want to say. I want them to know how i feel but I try not to be so reactive.

Hmm... I'm great at "cold shoulder"... half the time I should probably open my mouth & just spit out what's bothering me, but when I'm mad, I tend to smolder...