American Gods on Starz


Sucks at budgeting
Jan 5, 2007
From Wiki:
The series focuses on Shadow Moon, a man serving three years in prison. With only days remaining in his sentence, Shadow is given an unexpected early release after his beloved wife Laura is killed. Taking a plane back home to her funeral, Shadow finds himself next to a man named Wednesday, who offers Shadow a job. Wednesday appears to be nothing but a con artist who needs Shadow as a bodyguard. Wednesday is making his way across America, gathering people for a war....


I just started watching this. It's 4 episodes in so far and it's done really well. It's a sci-fi/fantasy//mythical/thriller-ish series about...Gods and people with mysterious powers/abilities. It's pretty stylized in certain scenes and it's rather gory sometimes, but not authentic gore, if that makes sense.
Anyone else catch it yet? I'm diggin it.
I was wondering if someone was going to start a thread for this show. I can't wait to see this, it'll be available to me in a few days so I'm going to be be.

I read the book a few years back and really enjoyed it.

Wednesday looks well cast. Rickey Whittle (Shadow Moon) is a capable actor though I had been hoping they'd cast someone with a bit more grit... Whittle is a bit of a pretty boy.
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Actually, I think he's doing fairly well. He's believable to me.
That's good to hear.

I don't give two f**ks about being faithful to a book, it's more personal preference... I've seen him in two British shows and one American show and I think he's a competent actor but I've never found him especially compelling and I can name 5 other actors (who are also people of colour if that detail is important) at his level who are far more interesting.
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I watched the first two episodes. It's exactly what I expected if you took Brian Fuller, David Slade, Rickie Whittle and Ian McShane and mixed them in a blender.
Amazing show! The production values are through the roof. Great cast including the always wonderful Ian McShane, Orlando Jones and Ricky Whittle (yes, he is pretty). I was surprised by Crispin Glover's performance in episode 5, he was so good.

Can you tell I love American Gods?
Amazing show! The production values are through the roof. Great cast including the always wonderful Ian McShane, Orlando Jones and Ricky Whittle (yes, he is pretty). I was surprised by Crispin Glover's performance in episode 5, he was so good.

Can you tell I love American Gods?
Crispin is the shizzle. They have a great set of supporting actors lined up for the show.

How has the show changed from the first couple of episodes to episode 5? (I don't mind about spoilers) Episode 1 was a bit chaotic but episode 2 felt like they were finding the feet. It feels like this show will take a bit of time to fully establish it's visual language.

I was perhaps too harsh on Whittle before... by pretty boy I meant that he's a very straightforward actor who maybe hasn't been challenged enough in part because of his looks. I assume he came in through the ranks in TV and a big part of his initial success was because of his looks. The downside of the TV/model route is that the turnaround time is short and you're paid to deliver what's on the page. My experience of Whittle's acting before this show has been that, he's not bad at what does but he doesn't go beyond the minimum requirement... minimum is maybe too harsh... it's more that he gives you what you expect.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, there are downsides to a theatre background or a very method-y approach... lord knows there's never a shortage of scenery chewing actors in that regard... it's more about the context, it's more about whether the acting styles mesh together with the writing to suit the tone of the show. Too much colouring outside the lines and you're a distraction, too much coloring inside the lines and you're boring... but what is too much and too little depends on what show you're in and on the tone you're aiming for.

LOL... I'll quit now, I feel like I've gone on too long about this.
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Given that Whittle is playing the only "regular guy" in the lead cast, it's not as showy a role. But he's able to convey enough anguish and determination at the same time to be convincing. Plus his "puppy" characteristics make him a very sympathetic protagonist.

Episode four is mostly about Laura, Shadow's wife, but it still has plenty of weirdness. Tech Boy is back in episode five. He cracks me up with his fashion and toad-skin vaping.
Just finished Ep5. I'm still liking this. It was 1am when I finished or else I would have watched Ep6.

I was cracking up over Laura and the Leprechaun dude's interaction in the hotel room.
the first couple of episodes I didn't know what was going on but for some reason I couldn't stop watching.
I couldn't believe that was scully from the x-files, her face was familiar but I couldn't pinpoint to which show.
so sad that I have to wait for next year for season 2.
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Yeah, Gillian Anderson looks completely different now...and I'm not sure that it is for the better. She was fantastic and I loved the way she acted the part but WOW, what a difference.