OK, so now I understand colour transfer...


Incorrigible Bagaholic
Jun 6, 2014
Took my sahara twiggy shopping today and stupidly wore a muted purple top that was new (never washed). Got home, checked eBay, tPF, all of the usual things, then walked by Twiggy and happened to glance over at her...gaaahhhh, the dreaded colour transfer! :shocked::shocked::shocked: One handle, part of the back, and a corner were now a lovely shade of cassis.
Started digging around and found a very old tube of neo-cleaner, a cleaner for soft leather. No idea where it came from but what the heck. Be bold, right? So I grabbed a cloth and started rubbing...pleased to say that she's back to normal, there's a very very slight tint of colour on a small portion of the handle sealant but barely noticeable and the leather is fine. Phew!
I don't know if it's because the transfer was so fresh but it would be interesting to see if neo-cleaner removes old colour transfer. I would of course always try a small section first, the sahara colour wasn't harmed but you never know.


A bit of interesting info as well...my Twiggy has an old glue mark on it (bought it that way so no telling how old). See photos for before and after, using neo-cleaner. Not perfect but better!

bal_2010_sahara_twiggy_6414_glue.JPG IMG_2586.JPG
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