Plisse problem.........


Resistance is Futile
Apr 8, 2006
Well, it looks like I'm amassing a little collection of Plisses.......and I'm getting a little weary of having to roll these babies up and put them in their round boxes after using them each time.

Are there any other ways to store these that won't ruin them in the long run?

I only have one plisse but I sort of enjoy rolling it and putting it to "bed"!!:shame:

I had asked my SA the best way to store it and she said the box was the best way. I sort of roll it around my hand and at first it was very awkward but now I can do it really fast.
A friend of mine folds scarfs over over a single towel bar she had installed in her closet, and just lets them hang loose. Not sure if it would work in the long run though :shrugs:
Yes - Shopmom, you must keep them in their boxes unless you have a drawer with circular organizers in them. It's the price to pay for having such a gorgeous accessory.
I love these scarves.....honestly, they are such no brainers and no matter what you do with them, they look great! I guess I'm going to have to label each box with Z-Tape....otherwise I'm not going to know what's what!
if you have tons of plisses, you can just roll them and place them side by side in a dedicated drawer (like they do at hermes under the display). that way, you can just eyeball them and figure out which one works with your outfit quickly!