Any folks on the autism spectrum?


Literally Satan
May 3, 2014
Just curious. I'm 24 and was diagnosed with a PDD-NOS, atypical autism, when I was in elementary school. I haven't really met a lot of other feminine presenting people with autism, most of the people I have met had been men. My fixations have been seen as mainly "just things girls are interested in" and wasn't really questioned. I was seen as being "very organized" which is... I guess seen as a girl thing. However, I had always stacked books, organized them by color, alphabetical order of author's name, and was always putting things in order of color. It took a while to get a diagnosis, and only when I started failing other classes because I couldn't pay attention to things I wasn't interested in (math, science, ect. Again, dismissed as a "girl" thing). I also have stimmed my whole life, which are also called ticks (rocking, hand flapping, twisting from side to side, ect.)

Anyway! If anyone bites: Hi! I'm Quinn. I love handbags and make up, I collect vinyl (mainly punk genre from the 70-80's).
Hi Quinn! I'm Izzy & I'm 22, I live in the UK, and I have Asperger Syndrome. My interests were just considered girly too... I love makeup, handbags, music, piercings/tattoos etc. I got diagnosed at 14, which considering the obvious signs I had, was late.

So yeah hi!!!
Just curious. I'm 24 and was diagnosed with a PDD-NOS, atypical autism, when I was in elementary school. I haven't really met a lot of other feminine presenting people with autism, most of the people I have met had been men. My fixations have been seen as mainly "just things girls are interested in" and wasn't really questioned. I was seen as being "very organized" which is... I guess seen as a girl thing. However, I had always stacked books, organized them by color, alphabetical order of author's name, and was always putting things in order of color. It took a while to get a diagnosis, and only when I started failing other classes because I couldn't pay attention to things I wasn't interested in (math, science, ect. Again, dismissed as a "girl" thing). I also have stimmed my whole life, which are also called ticks (rocking, hand flapping, twisting from side to side, ect.)

Anyway! If anyone bites: Hi! I'm Quinn. I love handbags and make up, I collect vinyl (mainly punk genre from the 70-80's).

Hey there Quinn!! Welcome! I'm not on the spectrum but I suffer from very bad OCD and understand how hard it is. My fiancé worked with autistic children for a while and I learned so much about it. He says I stim as well.
Hi Quinn! I'm Izzy & I'm 22, I live in the UK, and I have Asperger Syndrome. My interests were just considered girly too... I love makeup, handbags, music, piercings/tattoos etc. I got diagnosed at 14, which considering the obvious signs I had, was late.

So yeah hi!!!

Hihi!! It's nice to see other autistic people with similar interests! I was diagnosed in my final year of elementary, a late diagnosis as well. I was kind of overlooked because everyone saw all of my behavior as either somewhat normal, or just the effect of being odd or even a troublemaker! I had really obvious signs too, I had tics and stimmed frequently. Rocking, hand flapping, I was really sensitive to people touching me which was also brushed off as part of being a girl.

I haven't met many other girls/femme people with autism and honestly, knowing I'm not alone is a huge relief. I don't feel so much like I'm all alone.
Hey there Quinn!! Welcome! I'm not on the spectrum but I suffer from very bad OCD and understand how hard it is. My fiancé worked with autistic children for a while and I learned so much about it. He says I stim as well.

I have three different kinds of OCD/BFRB (body focused repetitive behavior)! I have dermatilomania (compulsive skin picking) dermatophagia (compulsive finger chewing) and mild trichotillomania . It really is so hard to have OCD, so many people judge people with it or we are stereotyped! My dermatophagia and dermaillomania means sometimes I have to wear gloves to let my hands heal and to avoid biting my fingers and I get really odd looks, with and without gloves. It's either I'm wearing them and get stared at for them or people stare at my hands because they're all bit up.

OCD is one of those conditions that just not spoken about enough! Thank you so much for sharing and making me feel welcome! It feels really lovely to know I'm not alone or weird for having these very difficult conditions. It helps to know that none of is ARE our conditions, that there is so much more to us than those things, we are allowed to have interests beyond our conditions. Again, THANK YOU! ❤️
Hihi!! It's nice to see other autistic people with similar interests! I was diagnosed in my final year of elementary, a late diagnosis as well. I was kind of overlooked because everyone saw all of my behavior as either somewhat normal, or just the effect of being odd or even a troublemaker! I had really obvious signs too, I had tics and stimmed frequently. Rocking, hand flapping, I was really sensitive to people touching me which was also brushed off as part of being a girl.

I haven't met many other girls/femme people with autism and honestly, knowing I'm not alone is a huge relief. I don't feel so much like I'm all alone.

You're never alone! I felt exactly the same as you, but now I know others with various forms of autism - some a lot like me interests wise - I feel much better :biggrin:
This thread made me smile. My son has PDD NOS....and I fight hard for his educational needs. He is still not reading and is going to 2nd grade, but we are getting outside help for him. I can't wait for him to also advocate for it sounds like you do!! More people have "atypical" behavior...and I guarantee a boatload are not diagnosed. The reality is not atypical. What is typical these days anyway? Society needs to help and embrace different types of learners as you and my son will be the ones that think of something no one else may. Think of all the smarties that may have some sort of spectrum disorder...Steve Jobs, Bill Gates,
I'm 16 and I was diagnosed with ASD when I was a toddler. I had tantrums every few days in elementary school, but I have greatly improved since then. I still get stressed easily over academics and stuff like that, but otherwise I act normal. I have my obsessions...bowling and shopping are my two biggest ones. Happy to know there are other gals on here that can relate! :smile: