Lethargic cat- can barely move & drinking lots of water

Thanks everyone. When I first took kitty in I thought for sure she was dehydrated, just wasn't sure why. The vets did confirm she was slightly dehydrated and gave her subcutaneous fluids. I was hoping the fluids would have helped her and made everything better but they haven't seemed to help anything.

(I forgot to add that part originally.)
I don't have anything to add, except that I'll be hoping for a speedy recovery for your little patient.

(btw, she looks just like our Ava (as in Ava Gardiner. lol).
I don't think neurological stuff is something they usually check - my vet only caught it because she noticed his eyes. I don't think there is really any way to test them other than to do an MRI. Once our vet noticed his eyes she sent us down to Salt Lake City (we live about 2.5 hours away) because they have access to better equipment because the hospital there works with the University of Utah. It's definitely worth mentioning though since you mentioned all of his bloodwork came back fairly normal.
Wow, how puzzling. I'm sorry you and your kitty are going through this. I am sure you are very stressed with concern.

I hope they figure it out soon. :hugs:
Did they test the cats sugar levels for diabetes. A few years ago our cat became very ill and one of the tell-tale signs that she had diabetes was that she began drinking excessive amounts of water.
Checking in..

My DH found her curlced up under a piece of furniture when he got home which was a little unusual. I also read that it's not a good sign when cats start hiding. She has moved around a little and even jumped up on to a chair this morning where she usually likes to sit. I thought that was a great sign. But when I called her down to feed her (took some coaxing) she basically collapsed at landing. It looked like her legs couldn't support her weight from the hop down. She was just jumping down from a dining room chair, nothing too high. =(

Also noticed she went pee for the first time ever outside of the litter box. She's never done that. It was just outside the litter box as if she didn't want to deal with hoping in.. Not good. I have an appointment to take her back to the vet in an hour.
I'm so frustrated that the vet doesn't seem to have any real idea what's wrong with her. Her symtpoms are so severe you'd think it would a fairly obvious issue. How can a trained professional be so in the dark? I'm about to get angry with them if they don't start coming up with some real possibilities.

Just venting.
Also, she has quickened and shallow breathing.

This could mean fluid is forming around her lungs - an x-ray will show it (it may not have been there yesterday, has the shallow breathing just started?) and diuretics can then be given. I know exactly how you must be feeling - I'll be hoping for a positive update later.
Did they mention the possibility of neurological issues this morning? One of the other things I forgot that happened with Teddy was his left front leg stopped working as well. He would try to use it but basically it just got dragged along.

Agree with Clever about the shallow breathing - it seems with cats that fluid builds up at an astonishing rate.

Hope they figure something out soon!