Inevitable, but still creepy: someone stole my pics off the PF

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I thought for awhile there our pictures were watermarked tPF. Am I dreaming?

I thought so too, for a short time.

chicbags said:
Best to upload via Photobucket, rather than attach straight from the computer. I asked Vlad and we are unable to delete photos at any time from tMP.

:confused1: I just tested and deleted a photo from a regular thread... so just not in tMP but he's not talking tPF in general...? You'd think Vlad might appreciate us deleting old pics to save space on the server!!

Anyway, congrats hmwe for getting that auction pulled!!!:yes: I always love the what, who me? responses from the thieves! LOL! :supacool:
We actually prefer you sue our attachment tool to upload photos, that way we don't have a blog full of red X's when you decide to clean out your Photobucket account.

If someone wanted a photo removed, we've never had a problem removing it for them.
I have deleted every photo someone has asked me to delete.
We rarely delete a thread, but a photo isn't an issue now and then.
Ahem, what goes on in the MP is not to be discussed here. Period.

second, it is a pain to have to go back into threads and have to delete posts because people have either pulled their pictures down and whatnot. It really creates a mess, that is why we prefer people to post their pics using the manage attachment feature.

If any of you want your pics replaced with new pics or pulled down for some reason in the Chloe subforum though, just shoot me a PM and we will see what we can do. But usually watermarking your pics can really help avoid having the pics stolen. I have learned my lesson the hard way as well, but try watermark all my pics from now on.
Thanks again for your support, gals.

It means the world to me!!

I love taking pics but I really love that they can be used to validate other items. I won't let this person ruin that for me.

But I do think I need a tutorial on irfanview :wacko:
divnanata - YES! Cheaters LOVE unwatermarked body-shots because they can use them just as easily in their auctions or to send to requestors since it looks like they really have the bag!

Jag and Swanky - sorry to cause the mods to descend! I think the original reference was an unintentional acronym typo since it was irrelevant to the discussion, which is why I questioned it. But if Vlad was saying our own ability to delete photos in the Chloe subforum or elsewhere is disabled, it's not - at least not yet. Just sayin'... :flowers:
LOL! I didn't even comment on your comment sweetie! :biggrin:

No one in the Forums can edit/remove photos after their brief period of time, I think 5 or 10 minutes{?}
We're always happy to help w/ that as long as it's not all the time or too many:yes
So sorry this happened to you...

I've tried to watermark my pics, but have had a hard time figuring out how to use the software with my mac. Irfanview doesn't have a version for OSX. Any suggestions for us apple-ies?
That makes me even more skeptical about ebay and the designer handbags for sale on there.

It seems that for every person who is selling an authentic item, there are 5 more who are are fakers who have the nerve to steal pictures just so they can make a profit.

That really sucks she stole your pictures. But on the bright side, her auction got removed, right?
Not only is that scary, but down right nasty. So many rotten people in the world, Looking to cheat people any chance they get. Thats why you have to be so careful purchasing on line and always take secure measures.
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