What is your SECRET guilty pleasure?

I love sweets and junk food, and I'm trying to eat healthier so I know I can't have those things in my apartment. But if I want them I'll buy them and bring them as food to a party so I can have some, too.
Candy...kid stuff like Sweet Tarts, Nerds, Now and Laters, Sour Patch Kids, Twizzlers, Fun Dip, Ring Pops, Gummy Worms, Bottle Caps, Atomic Fireballs, Airheads, Pop Rocks, etc.

I stay away from all of it for the most part, but a couple times a year I'll indulge! :biggrin:
1-Phillsbury sugar cookies. I have to eat them about 1 min after they have came out the oven while they are still warm and soft :drool:
2-Opening my online shopping packages. Trying on the item. For a while my BF was picking my packages and he would open them first. I noticed it really began to bother me:pout:and that's when I noticed how much I enjoy opening the packages more than actually receiving the items :blush:Now I let him know not to open the packages:lecture::nono::feminist:
Amazon~ I'm obsessed with the site. I look up almost everything there before I buy.
I watch tv on there, buy groceries, clothing, shoes, medical suppplies, as well as exercise equipment.
I told my guy if we ever break up, I'm buying my next spouse there.
The amount of amazon boxes in my garage is crazy. I'm always looking for people who are moving so I can unload them. :shame::blush::shame:
"The Real Housewives of ________". I have been watching this ridiculous show since it started. No one I know watches it or has any interest in starting so I'm alone on this one!!!:shame: