48/2(9+3) =? Since everyone is talking about it..

Simplify all operations inside parentheses first. After that, the parentheses are multiplication.

Since division can be expressed as a multiplication of a fraction, an alternative way to write the equation would be
48 * 1/2 * (9+3)
Same result of 288

Perfect! :biggrin: Multiplication and division have the same "rank" in the order of operations, since they are essentially the same thing anyway.
Perfect! :biggrin: Multiplication and division have the same "rank" in the order of operations, since they are essentially the same thing anyway.

But parentheses have highest rank and they are not gone untill you do 2(12). If it read 2 x ( 3 + 9 ) then you would divide first. But there is no multiplication symbol between the 2 and the parentheses so it basically gets treated as a denominator.
Also the title of the thread has the equation written wrong. It should have a "divided by" symbol (i dont have one on my phone keyboard or i would type it) rather than a "/". Which is why so many people here are coming up with 2 and people who read it with a divided by symbol are getting 288.
^ yes but it makes a big difference in how someone I interprets the equation. A "/" means it is a fraction and 2(9+3) is a denominator. Where as some people interperate the other divided by symbol to not make it a fraction and get confused. The real bozo is whoever came up with the equation in the first place because you are only supposed to be able to interpret an equation 1 way. They should have used a "/" symbol, or a * symbol between the 2 and the parentheses in order to be clearer on what should be done.

I did whats inside the Parenthesis first
9+3= 12
Then I multiplied 12x 4= 24

Then I divided 48 x 24 , and got 2.

But the computer is telling me 288 so I must be wrong. Oh well:oh:
But parentheses have highest rank and they are not gone untill you do 2(12). If it read 2 x ( 3 + 9 ) then you would divide first. But there is no multiplication symbol between the 2 and the parentheses so it basically gets treated as a denominator.

Parenthesis have the highest rank insofar as you perform the operation(s) inside the brackets first. Also, if a number stands outside a pair of brackets, multiplication is implied. There is no difference between 4 × (7+3) and 4(7+3), just as the is no difference between f = ma and f = m × a.
parentheses have highest rank and they are not gone untill you do 2(12). If it read 2 x ( 3 + 9 ) then you would divide first. But there is no multiplication symbol between the 2 and the parentheses so it basically gets treated as a denominator.

All the parenthesis do is indicate that the function inside them be performed first, once that is done, you proceed with the regular order of operations and treat them as just a multiplication. For example:

2/4(2) = 1 not 1/4

if it helps, turn the division into a multiplication function ( it actually is, which is why they have the same rank). So you have

2/4 * 2/1 = 1

In math, ( ) is just another way of saying * or 'x' or 'times'. Yes the operation inside it must be completed first, but once that is done, you dont preceed to get rid of it first, you move from left to right as usual. I really think it's the parenthesis that are sticking people
up. If the equation were written

48/2 x (9+3)

we probably wouldnt be having this discussion. Perhaps people were just taught differently in school?
Parenthesis have the highest rank insofar as you perform the operation(s) inside the brackets first. Also, if a number stands outside a pair of brackets, multiplication is implied. There is no difference between 4 × (7+3) and 4(7+3), just as the is no difference between f = ma and f = m × a.

Correct! And implied multiplication takes precedence over the order of operations.

Also correct! But when you add more to the equation, it does make a difference.
I've always been taught to do whatever is in the ()'s first, then work left to right.


However, if this equation is sparking this much debate, I'm sure that either a teacher would take both answers, or they would have taught their "proper" way in order to get whatever answer they saw to be true. My dad's a high school math teacher, I'm going to e-mail him this and see what he says, just for fun. ;)
I think what they are saying is the equation mentioned equals:

Whereas we took it as computer shorthand for 48 ÷ 2 (3 + 9)

Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say we're none the wiser for having taken part in this discussion:amuse: