Huge safety pin. Where to find?

The big pins are diaper pins. If you want something decorative, google shawl pin or sweater pin, and look at, too. There are over 1500 different ones on etsy.
I've seen them in yarn/knitting stores. They also have them at Hobby Lobby and some of the larger fabric stores.

Look for a Kilt Pin in listings too - they are frequently used when wearing plaid
Like this?

ha! I might impale my own abdomen on that one in the photo. I am looking for a plain silver one, nothing fancy, just something to help hold this drapey wrap Michael Stars fleece top closed. I kind of wanted to find it locally this weekend, as I fly out of town Sunday and wanted to wear it then. OK, so, craft shops, knitting shops, maybe a tack/feed store. Anyone else?
I second the tack shop - could also be called a feed & seed store. Ask for where the blanket pins are. I'd send you one but you wouldn't get it on time, lol.