Which bag should I keep?

Oh yeah $15 for shipping stinks...I didn't think it would be that much...plus you have to pay sales tax...and 20% isn't terrific. It's better than nothing but WOW!

Forget everything I said and wait until free shipping...that is if you can live w/out the zucca :graucho:
Are you near a MetroPark? They might still have some :shrugs:
Yeah I sometimes have a problem with that as well. My hand has a mind of its own! Ha! Ha! :lol:

Forget about me and my computer...we are like worst enemies right now. All I do is click and buy ... forget about if I've had a :drinkup: , then I'm on a click and buy shopping spreeeeee. Now the first thing my BF says to me when he gets home is, "Did you buy anything today?" :roflmfao: :roflmfao: :roflmfao:
:lol: oh yeah sure blame the hand lol ... I say buy it if its hard to find..and yeah zuccas are hard to find..cant seem to find it here on this island :lol: but its kinda hard to get a good placement if you just click away...unless its Pulse :lol: