What's the best color to substitute black??

I LOVE brown bags, but I have SOOO many gucci/lvs/fendis that really brown/caramel/sandstone is NOT an option for me.
I LOVE the colorful bags... but for me they DON'T substitute black because I guess I'm more basic than bold with clothing.
My options are probably the greige/naturel/grey/white/steel...
I ALSO LOVE THE BLUES... but that's another department too... I'm really in love with the new ocean... but was wondering... what's the main difference between marine and ocean?
marine is a gorgeous dark navy blue that in some lightings can even pass for an almost black! I think marine is called ocean by some...I'm not positive, so please somebody correct me if I am wrong! But i think marine would look beautiful as a black substitute...if u see marine IRL you will see how beautiful this color is...hard to capture through pics...

Ink is of course another great option and would look great with blacks...as well as the browns like marron 06 or truffle...or grenat or bordeaux! You could also wait for Plomb (dark grey).
For non-black, black-friendly, neutral, non-bright color, I'd wait for Plomb, the charcoal gray for fall. It is going to be beautiful, and you can get RH or silver giant hardware. If you hadn't said no more brights. I'd have suggested one!
any red or green bags.. those are so versatile! Blue never works for me.. I don't like the way blue bags look with jeans or black clothes(reminds me of a walking bruise!).

In particular I like grenat and sapin.