What would YOU do?

Wild Orchid

Feb 23, 2007
Okay,I'm really having a hard time here. I'm going to have access to a larger sum of money (let's say under 10 thousand) and my options I'm debating between are getting a few bags or upgrading my wedding ring to a bigger center diamond.

What would you do?

What makes this harder is that there's no particular bag I'm ga ga over for right now besides the Stamped GM which I can't even find anyways. I would just wind up getting more little items instead of larger bags.

So... any ideas???
a diamond lasts forever and is a girl's best friend! However, since you're asking ME lol, a diamond ring is one of the 3 things that I would never ever buy myself (the other two are fur coat and flowers) cuz it's the guy's job...... so ya, I would PREFER the diamond, but get your hubby to get it for ya :graucho:
Upgrade your wedding diamond for sure! As for the original diamond, make a pendant with it so you'll have it close to your heart when you wear it. My husband did both for me for our 15th wedding anniversary 3 years ago. I love it!

Good luck with your decision!
I actually agree with Cec. I think uprading the diamond is hubby's job so I would spend the money on some other big piece of jewelry that I wanted and some bags that I liked.