What is the difference between mat and glace ??


hubba hubba ;)
Sep 23, 2006
i am very late on this line, in fact, it is discontinued, but the other day I saw a woman with a gorgeous black LV: it was a monogram mat handbag, kind of regtangularly square.

I am going to head over to LV 5th ave on Monday and get right on it as 866 told me they might have a few left.

But, is glace and mat the same thing?
Anyone else here a big fan - would you recommend? ?
Well, I believe the Mono Mat is more matte and shimmery where as the Glace is just a little glossier with no shimmer. Also the Mat was more for the females and the Glace was more for the males. That's strictly in LV's terms though, anyone can use either.
My DH has some of the Glace. I've heard of cases of it on here where people's peeled with very little use. Love both lines tho and my DH has never had a problem.
Good luck finding some! Let trade often has them second hand if you have no luck.

I think the Glace fonzie and other bags would look fab on a girl as messenger bags.