What do you wear your boots and skinny jeans with? Post Pictures please

Here's mine (repost from Daily Outfit thread)

Nice. By the way are those your floors! you look like you have a sweet pad.
^^^ I'm way jealous of the D300 (keep trying to save up for one and then accidentally spend the $$ on shoes!). The 50/1.8 is my favorite ever lens.

Back on topic, I need to find some more cute tunics to go w/my skinnies.
nevgirl: Believe me, I'm no professional (believe me!). A year ago I didn't even have a camera.. photography is just a hobby I got into last year.

niccig: I know what you mean.. I accidentally spend the money i'm saving for lenses on shoes and clothes. 50mm lens is my fave too.. It's pretty much glued to my camera.
Hi all you fashionistas, I need help...Im currently drooling over these fornarina boots in this khaki color...but have no idea what to pair this with, what color jeans, tops, other clothes etc would look good with this? Your opinons are greatly appreciated. :yes:

i wish i could do that but i have calves so big that i cant even find boots that will zip all the way up, let alone have enough room to fit jeans IN them :sad:

I totally understand--I can't wear most of the European designers because they're cut so narrow! I will say that Sofft brand boots have a more generous cut, and of course there's J. Crew's extended calf boots.

Alternatively, like someone mentioned, a good cobbler can be your best friend. This amazing guy in NY added a gusset to a gorgeous pair of boots I had, literally adding in more leather near the zipper. They actually look better than when I started! Be aware, though, that stuff like that will cost you... it was either $50 or $75, I can't remember... but the boots were quite expensive, so it was worth it.