What do you collect? (other than handbags)

Mine are miniature perfume, waterglobes, Barbie Christmas ornaments, pens and thank you to lvbabydoll JC charms. I need the waterglobe one because that would kill two collectibles at once but they were LE and nowhere to be found.
i collect blythe dolls. check out my collection here.


ever since I was born..my mom buys me hello kitty stuff
and ever since then..must be the way I was brought up..haha!

i collect hello kittys...anything..
i have from nail clippers...to hello kitty monitor protectors..hello kitty cell phone chains..hello kitty bank machines..to hello kitty toothbrush :yes: :heart:
Wedgwood (the older, the better)
Oil Paintings
Anything Pit Bull or Bully Breed related
I LOVE to go antiquing! (BUT DH hates it):crybaby: Still tags along out of guilt though...:graucho: