What do people think of PETA?

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Perja said:
That's leading to a hell of a lot of eating disorders among young people who become vegetarians (or worse vegans) with no proper medical/nutritional counsel and become malnourished.


Wait wait wait... are all vegetarians and vegans somehow uneducated?? I know plenty of vegetarians and vegans who are not malnourished, myself included in that.And why would we not have proper medical or nutritional coucil? I don't get it. I know you are talking about children here, but obviously the parents would have a huuuge say in that and would make sure proper nutrition was attained. Probably more so than half of obese americans buying their kids Mc Donalds every day. We are healthier in general without all that red meat, and will most likely outlive people with that in their daily diet. I've never looked at vegetarianism as an "eating disorder" but thanks for enlightening me to the apparent notion that I have one. Gee I better get that checked out.
caannie said:
Clearly you are not Jewish. ;)

You know, I'm not Jewish, but I'm with caannie on this.

PETA don't have a high profile in Europe, so I haven't seen any of these "Holocaust" ads. I have to say though, that if they are using actual photo's of Shoah, then that is incredibly disrespectful to the people, and their relatives, that died in that horrific period.

I genuinely think there is a difference in referencing one to the other, as MandM explained so elequently here;

When most scholars and activists discuss the connection between the Holocaust (or slavery) and the abuse and slaughter of animals, they are NOT trying to say that killing animals and killing jews, blacks, or ANY people are the SAME. They are instead trying to argue that the conscious enaction of cruelty and the knowing infliction of pain for reasons of personal gain (to make money, eat nicer food, have someone do work for you, or advance a racist ideology) is ALWAYS wrong. Cruelty is a moral outrage, no matter who the victim is."

and actually using real photo's.

I understand how emotive this subject is, and I too place equal import on the treatment of both animals and humans, "Cruelty is a moral outrage, no matter who the victim is" but it saddens me the PETA would think this particular subject is "fair game" in their war of words.

You know, animals are treated badly enough without them having to resort to these disrespectful shock tactics.


Danica said:
CastoCreations said:
It's offensive, because no matter how much we love animals, human life is inherently more valuable.

Ohh the EGO of man, it truly sets us apart. I personally don't believe that our life is more valuable than animals, nor anything in the world. We all need each other....take away all animals, plants, water, air...whatever...how long do you think we'd make it?

Chloehandbags...you said it all! :flowers:

Caitlin- There are cheaper more effective ways to to do tests than on animals for anything. It is 100% completely unnecessary.

It's not about Ego. Human beings are the top of the chain. It's science. If you had to make a choice to save a cat or a human from a burning building, which would you choose? It has nothing to do with Ego...it's common sense.

Being compassionate for animals is one thing but people take it too far. Not all animals are equal.
serenafair said:
I love animals more than people. I think PETA is for people who are extremists. PETA has been known to kill animals to demonstrate thier agenda.They are no better than anyone else IMO.

If you are into PETA, then designer handbags and accessories forums are the wrong place for you. Most handbags have Animal products in them.

At least you're honest about it. My husband is the same way. He says it all the time. Except for immediate family and friends, he values most animal life (especially dogs) over most humans. I don't agree with him but at least he's honest.
Perja said:
That's leading to a hell of a lot of eating disorders among young people who become vegetarians (or worse vegans) with no proper medical/nutritional counsel and become malnourished.

I have to say, that does sort of sound like a bit a slur on us veggies!

Hopefully, unintended? ;)


LisaG719 said:
If one of my dogs was in a burning building next to a human (that I did not know). I would grab the dog first. Sorry to say it...:angel:

Hey, at least you're honest. I can honestly say that I DON'T know what I'd do. It would be a very tough choice.

What if it were a child or a baby? Would it be a harder choice for you then? I'd be so torn. I LOVE my dogs...seriously...they are my babies and are totally spoiled. But their life or a baby's life? Not sure how I'd make that choice.
Kathleen37 said:
I have to say, that does sort of sound like a bit a slur on us veggies!

Hopefully, unintended? ;)



It didn't sound like a slur to me...just an honest fact (I think). Many young people are super easily influenced by these emotional advertising campaigns (not to mention celebrity endorsements) against eating meat. The problem is when they just stop eating meat and don't get the proper nutrients another way.

It didn't sound like a slur against an educated person who has chosen that lifestyle. At least to me. :smile:
LisaG719 said:
If one of my dogs was in a burning building next to a human (that I did not know). I would grab the dog first. Sorry to say it...:angel:

Just out of interest (and not trying to start a fight) how many of you who would pick the dog/cat over the human being first have any children (the human kind)? ;)
CastoCreations said:
Danica said:
It's not about Ego. Human beings are the top of the chain. It's science. If you had to make a choice to save a cat or a human from a burning building, which would you choose? It has nothing to do with Ego...it's common sense.

Being compassionate for animals is one thing but people take it too far. Not all animals are equal.

I'd save the animal-unless it was a child. Children and animals are helpless in a situation like that. As you point out, if people are the top of the food chain-then they can fend for themselves.
caannie said:
Just out of interest (and not trying to start a fight) how many of you who would pick the dog/cat over the human being first have any children (the human kind)? ;)

I think you have an excellent point. I have no kids yet. I know from friends and coworkers who loved and spoiled their dogs that after they had 'real' kids their dogs didn't fill that void any longer. I know we'll always love our dogs but our kids WILL take priority.

Logically, I hope I would save a human first, but emotionally I'd be torn.
jillybean307 said:
CastoCreations said:
I'd save the animal-unless it was a child. Children and animals are helpless in a situation like that. As you point out, if people are the top of the food chain-then they can fend for themselves.

Very true...unless the other adult person is disabled or hurt. :smile: Then what?

But you are correct and I agree. Children and animals are helpless and as adults (and the top of the chain) we are responsible to do our best to take care of them as stewards. But I don't think that means putting more value on animals than humans. And I don't think that 'taking care of them' means never eating meat or having a pet.
PETA tries to deliver a good message but the way they go about it is absolutely outrageous and extreme. They are hypocrites. Its just like people who rally outside of abortion clinics and throw a fit over people having (or doing ) abortions, but they think its ok to shoot people dead when they walk out. How is one life more important than the other?

There are better ways to get your viewpoints across, but geez, shoving them down people's throats is not the answer.
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