What Caught Your Attention Today??

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^absolutely gorgeous! what is the darker pink tree in the background?


stormy skies most of the day with rain only in the evening

Lovely scenery! Thanks for posting, at least our eyes are treated with some Japanese view.

I'm going to ask the same lol


finally got the easiest way to get rid of dust lol

Thank you.

All the trees in the photo are cherry trees. The bright pink tree in the background is the weeping cherry tree called shidarezakura I don't know the exact name of it. There are weeping plum trees in this color, but this one is definitely a cherry as the plums all finished a few weeks ago. I love the shape of this tree, but I also like the random wispy shape of the white cherry trees near it.

All over Japan, people are photographing trees at present and the photos in the following link give you some idea about how much the cherry trees, (Sakura), influence daily life in spring. The tag is shidarezakura, written in Japanese. This one is just cherry trees in general. Enjoy.
Thank you.

All the trees in the photo are cherry trees. The bright pink tree in the background is the weeping cherry tree called shidarezakura I don't know the exact name of it. There are weeping plum trees in this color, but this one is definitely a cherry as the plums all finished a few weeks ago. I love the shape of this tree, but I also like the random wispy shape of the white cherry trees near it.

All over Japan, people are photographing trees at present and the photos in the following link give you some idea about how much the cherry trees, (Sakura), influence daily life in spring. The tag is shidarezakura, written in Japanese. This one is just cherry trees in general. Enjoy.
^thanks for the info! I think weeping trees are beautiful. I was going to say the dark pink weeping tree, but I wasn't sure you'd know what that meant.:P I'm definitely going to take a look at those links.


phone call to insurance company
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