Ugh! When will the Khaki Baby Cabas eventually arrive???

Jun 4, 2006
Has anyone got the bag yet? Anyone? I am on 4 waitlists and one of them I am #1 on the list but I have not heard any news yet! Is it not going to be here till the end of Nov?? I am so impatient now.....:hysteric:
Has anyone got the bag yet? Anyone? I am on 4 waitlists and one of them I am #1 on the list but I have not heard any news yet! Is it not going to be here till the end of Nov?? I am so impatient now.....:hysteric:

Me too girlie!! I thought that it would be here this week for sure, but I guess not. I don't think ANY stores have received the khaki yet. I hope it doesn't come in next Fri when SCP is a zoo.
OMG, lol, I have been going crazy myself waiting for that call:hysteric: :shame: . In the meantime I've been trolling Ebay relentlessly to see if any of those sellers will get ahold of this sought-after color first:shrugs: .

I guess I just have to calm down....I did call my SA earlier this week and she ensure me that I am #1 on her list and she has all my info so she will call me right upon receiving the shipment.....but she still can't say exactly when it will be here, just said any moment now.....any moment....
Thanks, hikaru! I bet it's a long shot, but I'm going to call my SA and see if she can put me on the list. I was in last week and she seemed to not know whether they were getting them, so I'm hoping I may be the first on the list! :smile: