This really gave me a wakeup call...

While it's terrible what happened, and while I think we all need to appreciate our loved ones and how fortunate we are (no matter what's going on in this world), don't beat yourself up for dealing with trivial decisions in life. Sure, in the grand scheme of things they seem insignificant, but nevertheless, then need to get handled, and it doesn't make you seem selfish or ungrateful for contemplating them.
While it's terrible what happened, and while I think we all need to appreciate our loved ones and how fortunate we are (no matter what's going on in this world), don't beat yourself up for dealing with trivial decisions in life. Sure, in the grand scheme of things they seem insignificant, but nevertheless, then need to get handled, and it doesn't make you seem selfish or ungrateful for contemplating them.

i know that ultimately i DO have to decide things like what color to dye my hair, and there's nothing wrong with making those decisions, but i think it's important to retain some perspective, which is what is so easy to lose track of until confronted with someone who has had such an experience.
That would be so devastating. I'm so sorry for her, I just couldn't even imagine.
In the past year, I think after having been away from friends and family so long, I've really realized that I've taken alot of things for granted and realized what's important. More recently I have been thinking about it almost every day for various reasons.
All of these soldiers need to come home.
Oh my goodness, i have got goose pimples all over my body.
Our church down the road had a funeral for one of our troops who lives on the next road to us, even people who didn't know the family went to take mass, it was so sad.

I just wish Bush and Brown would get our troops back home!