Thinking of getting a Silverado

Twinklette said:
I have one in chocolate all leather and it's heavenly. I can't do exotic skins and I too loved Nicole's, so I decided to go the all leather route. It's one of my favorite bags.

I know what you mean. I was thinking for hours whether to get a python one and decided that I'm more suited for leather. *on quest for a leather silverado* Needs to do more research, I hardly know anything about silverados actually.

missbradshaw said:
I am just getting into the Silverado but I would only really want one in python....what are the prices/sizes for the python?

angstofgumby has a gorgeous python silverado up for sale. It's here
baglady949 said:
what color leather silverado would you or wish to get??

I saw this picture from one of the threads here, but I didn't take note of the owner... >___< sorry. If you're reading this, feel free to claim this photo.

What a rich and yummy color. I've also seen other colors on ebay like silver and white, they're beautiful.