Stupid Stupid Chestnuthannoverian...


Balencia-gasms. Yum.
Mar 7, 2006
Ok. This is a wee bit of a kick in the ass topped with a princess like tone.

I play competitive Volleyball and ride horses competitively as well. I do both about 5 times a week, and volleyball becomes beach volleyball in the summers.

So what did I do to myself you ask? Twisted my ankle last night so badly that I tore some ligaments. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I'm SO BORED!

I told my boyfriend who's a physiotherapist that if he didn't fix me right quickly (seeing an Orthopaedic surgeon tomorrow for ultrasound and an MRI, that I'd resort to eBay - that got a chuckle...)

Anyone else have some lovely news and suggestions for me?

;) ;)
RETAIL THERAPY! OMG! YOu got PurseSlave's sky blue first? SO jealous! That is such a gorgeous bag- Now that should put a smile on your face!!! Hope your ankle is ok though!!!
Sorry about your ankle! You sound like one active lady - hopefully it will mend quickly. I was going to ask you if you rode because of your name - I have 2 horses and ride just a little now - dd used to but stopped showing last year -- anyway...keep your chin up, shop on-line and watch some cooking shows! I broke my ankle almost 3 years ago and had to 'let go' of a lot of things at home - and my kids and dh had to do so much it was amazing how everyone pitched in - don't push yourself either so you heal quicker!

Sorry to hear you were injured. It sounds like it will be tough to be on the sidelines as you're so active. Do some movie therapy - see all the movies you've been meaning to. Compile a summer reading list? Maybe get in the water- beach/spa/Y for some very gentle exercise and the distraction? Be a lady who lunches; go to sidewalk cafes, keep a journal, catch up with friends, do mani-pedi's, massage. It's only temporary...

I wish you speedy healing!!
Ditto the retail therapy. I'm a big ole slob and hope you fix yerself up asap, coz it's vile the way some people don't use a bodypart and other people need it to be working... reminds me of my friend Michelle in school who loved athletics but had dodgy knees, I loved sleep and would have given her my 'caps in an instant.

Try prayer and miracles, and meanwhile I'm hoping you get better soon enough to astound experts! ;)

Sorry to hear....Remember RICE for any musculoskeletal injuries.

R- rest
I- icing...for 48 hrs 15-20 mins at a time and immobilization
C- compression...use an ace wrap to decrease swelling
E- elevation

and some anti-infammatories like Ibuprofen to help with pain and inflammation(if you don't have any contra-indications)

Would really suggest seeing your doctor and getting it X-rayed to rule out a fracture. Hopefully it's only a sprain.Sorry not much lovely news here ....except maybe more time purseblogging;) Get well soon.
Thank you everyone :P

No fractures, that was taken care of last night. I'm seeing the Ortho tomorrow morning to discover what's going on ligament/soft tissue wise.

And YES! retail therapy is KEY! I'm enjoying that part of things VERY much...

Mmm.. eLuxury dreaming for me!