Sorry for the drunken rants ladies....

Oh bags...after my Dad passed I did what you did the other night for almost 2 years...the grief was so overwhelming I could not COPE. If you ever need to chat please pm me...I am feeling better again, and life does get better. Im so sorry. I KNOW THAT PAIN. For me there was no words. I will be thinking of you. :heart:
benn there too lost my dad just before I was 19, very hard to come to terms with but I so hope you will. Glad you staying off the booze, maybe try some bereavement counselling, it will help.
When my dad died it took me several months to really hit the wall. After that, I was able to work my way slowly up. We are all human and we all deal with grief in ways as individual as we are.
We've all been there...or at least, I have! I hope you're feeling better these one's perfect, an alcohol binge is nothing to be ashamed of IMO. Just don't make it a habit!:heart:
Thanks! I know it will get easier. I just hope this is the worst of it for now.

And thanks everyone. You are all very loving and so glad I'm part of this blog. Thanks from the bottom of my hungover heart!

Shoo, we love you :heart: :heart: :heart: :yahoo: . No worries. We love your posts and are grieving with you. Prayers and huge hugs coming your way always from the Great Northwest.
bagnshoo you're one of my favorite posters, don't worry about offending. Remember when I got retarded drunk and visited your club? You need a bouncer, woman!
I can't pretend to understand what you've been going through, but I do know that you'll get better. We're all right here for you, so cry all you want. God knows I would.