Scarves Scarf Ring Thread

People seem to introduce scarf ring questions on many threads. I have renamed this thread in the hope that all those questions, answers, new acquisitions and chat about scarf rings can go here.

Scarf ring wanters and wearers please feel free to contribute.

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I wasn't wearing my scarves and decided to buy a scarf ring to help.

The first one I bought was Chaine d'Ancre in silver. It's easy to use and looks good but is heavy compared to the rest.
The next one was Regate in gold, then Bolduc in silver. Both are very easy to use.
Then I bought a Mors which I don't use very often. The Trio then caught my eye, followed by Charms Cadenas and my most recent one, Eperons.

Really all you need as suggested above is a large hand ring, fold the scarf in the bias fold, put it around your neck, one end goes through the ring and the other end goes through in the opposite direction. See if that works for you before buying a scarf ring.

L to R:
CdA, Charms Cadenas, Eperons, Mors, Regate and Trio

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I was thinking about getting the Mors, but am worried about the weight. Any chance you could tell me how much it weighs? :smile: Then I can compare it to some of my others.