Question about Epi Nocambule


The original Iluvbags
Oct 18, 2005
Does anyone know when this bag was discontinued and how much it went for?

All I know is Karen Walker on Will and Grace had that bag in an episode... I literally yelled out the name and the line and color... lol :smile: if I can find the episode, I can figure out a year and go from there?
I still saw a picture of this bag published in my 2004 official LV catalogue, so it was probably still available as recent as that year, albeit probably in very small quantities since it was already being phased out.
eyelove said:
I still saw a picture of this bag published in my 2004 official LV catalogue, so it was probably still available as recent as that year, albeit probably in very small quantities since it was already being phased out.

Oh really? Any idea how much it cost?