OMG! A co-worker just dissed my Vert D'eau!!

totally ignore her...the is such a beautiful color! i had a similar situation where i took my french blue city to a dinner where a lot of work people were and they told me that i looked like i belong with the smurfs...
totally ignore her...the is such a beautiful color! i had a similar situation where i took my french blue city to a dinner where a lot of work people were and they told me that i looked like i belong with the smurfs...

I LOVE french blue and i LOVe the Vert so frankly I don't really care one way or the other b/c her fashion choices leave much to be desired. I know that when in doubt I can turn to tPF for a spoonful of good taste. Just thought I would vent ! :nuts:
Someone with no fashion sense or taste OR common sense, and brought up poorly, as well. IMHO. Who died and put her in charge of what's "too pastel"? WTF? Seriously - the color is obviously too subtle for her pea-brain to understand.

I've never met a color I didn't like in one way or another (especially a Balenciaga color) - although there are colors that don't work with my coloring or my wardrobe.

It's one of my favorite Balenciaga colors, BTW. She is so obviously jealous - maybe because she isn't careful enough to own anything pastel.

So - what did you wear with her on her maiden voyage to work?
It just shows she has a lack of class to make such a statement when it's obvious you chose the color because you like it. I've been in a similar situation and I was dumbfounded that someone would even dare say something negative about my bag to my face.
Someone with no fashion sense or taste OR common sense, and brought up poorly, as well. IMHO. Who died and put her in charge of what's "too pastel"? WTF? Seriously - the color is obviously too subtle for her pea-brain to understand.

I've never met a color I didn't like in one way or another (especially a Balenciaga color) - although there are colors that don't work with my coloring or my wardrobe.

It's one of my favorite Balenciaga colors, BTW. She is so obviously jealous - maybe because she isn't careful enough to own anything pastel.

So - what did you wear with her on her maiden voyage to work?

I have yet to meet a bbag color I dont like either. It's like they can do no wrong. Frankly, what REALLY got me is the way she went on about it. She kept saying "I dunnoooo..." and "i could see the color from across the room" and blah blah about how bright it was, how colorfol it was, how she "wasn't feeling it". I was just like okkkkk, i get it, it's not you, can we move on? It's me, and while it in NO WAY affects how I feel about it b/c I know dozens of other people agree with me that it's a great color, it just baffles me that she would go on and on and on about it. All I could respond was "well, I can always return it...".....yeah right! Like I would ever!:cursing:
oh dear lord. it's almost as if we need to sit around thinking up responses to these kinds of snarky comments to survive in today's world.

in my mind, you can handle it two ways: the mature sarafina says to just ignore her pettiness. the immature, spiteful sarafina says to carry another bag, dangle it in her face, and ask her loudly, "is this too [bright/pastel/shiny/hideous] for you? i mean, i figured i'd ask before you made a snarky comment, because you seem to think you're the big handbag critic around here." of course, that vinegar isn't going to catch any flies :sneaky:
I would just laugh it off!
That is what I do with one of my coworkers (she tells me I need COLOR - sweetie, I have Balenciaga and Chanel, HELLLO!)
She has like 8 different shades of pink streaked in her hair and carries the same ol' dirty suede? mauve colored bag every day - looks lovely with her hair :P
How ruuuuuuuuude! My first thought was that it was someone without editors who just blurts stuff out, but if she went on and on about it - that's jealousy. Handy all purpose comeback for people who comment about not liking a color/ piece of jewelry/ etc. : a condescending "Well, not everyone can carry it off." with little shrug of pity for those who are so unfortunate as to not get it. And really, anyone who does not get the beauty of vert-d'eau deserves our pity, don't you think?
oh dear lord. it's almost as if we need to sit around thinking up responses to these kinds of snarky comments to survive in today's world.

in my mind, you can handle it two ways: the mature sarafina says to just ignore her pettiness. the immature, spiteful sarafina says to carry another bag, dangle it in her face, and ask her loudly, "is this too [bright/pastel/shiny/hideous] for you? i mean, i figured i'd ask before you made a snarky comment, because you seem to think you're the big handbag critic around here." of course, that vinegar isn't going to catch any flies :sneaky:

There's my new favorite word again....SNARKY!! I love it!