OHH the NERVE of some people


Jul 26, 2006
so I was in the LV section of Holt today and this girl was carry a mono speedy, she was just minding her own business (as was I hehe) when I over heard this conversation between a mother and her daughter

daughter: " mom why do ugly people get to carry LV's too? I want that bag and and that ugly girl has it" (she pointed to the girl with the speedy)

and the mother looked at the other girl, stared at her briefly (like the up down I'm staring at your outfit look) and responded with

"well if ugly people have to money to spend on LV then theres nothing we can do"

I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE SAID THAT! her daughter couldn't have been more that 14~!!!!!!! :hysteric: Her mother is only allowing that sort of behavior! :mad:
I was honestly just so shocked that I glared at the woman, looked her up and down and left. I wish I had something witty to say!!
Hooray for the ugly girl with the LV, because that rude girl is envying what she doesn't have. I would rather be the ugly girl with an LV than a rude girl with no LV anyday!!!:biggrin: