Official Britney thread

fendifemale said:
Will she stop making those UGLY faces?!!!! That bag is not all of that. She never matches. Im no Kooba fan but I've seen way better ones!

You must be from Texas with that statement, 'she never matches'

Love it!!!!!! From Texas, too, you would think that this Louisiana girl would match. :biggrin:
sadaf said:
I personally thingk it's not really that great, nothing compared to Chiara in green or purple, but she really is attached to it.

I agree with you, not a very great bag. But... A Chiara bag??? :nuts: That is a bag I must have!! I have no idea what it looks like, but that's actually my name !! I hope it's nice... I don't want an ugly bag to be called Chiara ;) :lol:
JiChi said:
I agree with you, not a very great bag. But... A Chiara bag??? :nuts: That is a bag I must have!! I have no idea what it looks like, but that's actually my name !! I hope it's nice... I don't want an ugly bag to be called Chiara ;) :lol:

Lol!!! I am glad to tell you Chiara bags are great!!! I love them but what is up with the bag Brittany has? It is so ugly!!
amanda said:
you know, as i was reading the criticisms, i started thinking...she's dressed just like every girl at college dresses to go to class on a friday morning. t shirt, sweats that may or may not match, and a huge trendy bag...and she's our age, too. so as much as i want to, i guess i really can't judge. with the extra stress of just having a baby and having such a loser husband, she actually seems to be handling things like anyone her age would.

Ok but she knew he was a loser before she married him. Any man that leaves a pregnant woman to marry another -something aint right about him. OR her for participating in that. Thats A and B-you never let a man bring you down! You put the pieces back together and become a DIVA again. She just needs to start one day @ a time. Lip gloss one day, facial and hair the next, on and on until she feels on top of the world again...
I agree with everything everyone says here to a certain extent....she does look normal, she's not fat or anything but she is not comparable to her own self pre-baby and pre-Kevin. I just think it's so sad that she was at the top of her game and career and met this loser.......leaves his pregnant gf and daughter for Britney.......and thinks she's the one who can change him or he'll be different for. I'm sorry, she should've known better. He was a rat from the start. She does look great for just having a baby but unfortunately, she's the one getting paid millions to not look like one of us regular plain jane's.....if you catch my drift. She's not getting paid to be the best singer because that....she is not!! It's always been about her looks and always will be, when she's all made up, she looks like a diva and I just wonder if she'll go back to that image or stay this way. But my mind, she looks good considering everything she just went through and is going through behind closed doors that we all don't even know about.

Britney Spears is suing America's Us Weekly magazine for printing what she says is an "outrageous fabrication" and claiming a sex tape featuring the singer and her husband exists. In a $10 million lawsuit, obtained by website, Spears claims an article which ran in an October issue of the magazine featured details of a supposed meeting with her. She maintains the meeting never took place and the article headline "Brit & Kev: Secret Sex Tape?" was misleading. Spears' lawyer, Marty Singer, blasted Us Weekly for "maliciously standing by the bogus story."

It's about time someone sued US Weekly - it's become such a hideous tabloid with Jessica Simpson and Angelina Jolie on every single cover.