Official Britney thread

I am so sick of her! I really think that she is a has-been and should just quit trying to make a comeback, I doubt that she will be successful because she has lost her audience. The tween market is no longer interested because she has turned too bad girl and the adult market has had enough of her silly antics. JMO.
She still makes $700K/month supposedly (based on E!) from royalties, fragrance sales, etc so why not just live quietly with what you have. I think that all her attempts at a comeback will just add to her long list of embarrassing moments.
My opinion of Britney is tht she shoud move to an island an go away before she really embarrasses herself. That said, I will watch her performance to see how she does. She is just there for ratings and publicity, and she will bring them- whether she does great, or crashes and burns.
She is totally on crack!! BUT - I still think her figure looks great after having two kids back to back. Yes, she is not the old Britney we know, in terms of her physique. She has way more wrong with her mentally than physically!
I thought they would call Paris instead:nuts:...NO matter what she will get her 15 minutes of fame and the ratings will go up with people just waiting to see what she will do. I think she is kind of wasted but maybe she will somehow get her act together---well if it is a magic theme there is hope.....
I think she lost her following. The teens and tweens around her don't like her. The adults don't buy her records so I really don't know who her target audience is.
It would be nice for her if she can get it together and have some good PR. She sure can use it. I wonder how trashy her outfit will be?????? Just hope she is not wearing those ugly boots again.
I heard on E or something that they were considering having her do a cover of the song, "My Perogative" with flashes of Justin Timberlake and Kevin Federline on big screens behind her. I'm shallow, I'd watch.

Sounds judgmental, but I wish she'd stay home and be a mom to her kids instead.