Nicole's Poor Cat Falls Out Of A 10 Story Building**UPDATE**

I had a friend in high school who lived in a Victorian house that had balconies. Her fat beagle was sleeping on the second story balcony and rolled off by accident. He was okay, only sufferend a bruised leg.
Years ago, I had a cat jump off the third story balcony. I freaked and ran down the steps to find my cat standing on the first floor neighbor's patio staring at the cat that lived inside of the apartment there.
Ten stories is a little much though. Nicole looks horribly sick in that first photo, also.
Poor kitty. I hope it's okay. I don't like it when animals are hurt.


OMG why does Nicole look like a barely alive skeleton in those pictures?! I actually gasped out loud when the pictures finally loaded. Her arms! I thought she was supposed to be checked into a clinic getting help?
POOR THING! I hope it'll survive!!


OMG why does Nicole look like a barely alive skeleton in those pictures?! I actually gasped out loud when the pictures finally loaded. Her arms! I thought she was supposed to be checked into a clinic getting help?

Yes. Her wrist looks like a skeleton. I thought she was supposed to be in a hospital?