New stock at Cult Status coming soon!!!


miss old school Bal
Feb 8, 2007
I got this email update from them today. The stock below is due in the next week or so...There is a delay on their shipment of First's. All First's are now due late Oct / early Nov (phew, I have a little more time to save up!)

115748 - City regular black, violet
128523 - Twiggy
regular violet
173082 - G.Part-Time
Gold G yellow

186184 - G.RTT
Gold G yellow
186184 - G.RTT
Silver violet

103208 - The First
regular violet
173086 - Brief
regular violet, yellow
177289 - Messenger
regular black, steel,morgano
186174 - Step
regular black, steel,blue, violet, yellow
Cal all us Aussie's hear you! We think CS prices are huge, but most of the time we have no choice Down Under...p.s. LOVE your Avatar!
nada, thanks! :smile: Prices are crazy at CS, huh! But what can you do when you've missed the boat at AR.. I'm not brave enough to order direct from Bal, so CS is the next best choice. Are you in Perth as well?