Neutral colors

How close a shade is Prune compared to say Raisin and Violet? There really is a Prune colour, right? I hope it's not an inside joke, or something, because I have not read all the posts above!
LaVan has pics of her Prune bag at her blogspot. It looks like a reddish plum that's been baked or reddish black mission fig, but everyone affectionately refers to it as Aubergine. The bag is a deep brownish red. It is rich and intoxicating :heart:
How close a shade is Prune compared to say Raisin and Violet? There really is a Prune colour, right? I hope it's not an inside joke, or something, because I have not read all the posts above!

This made me smile! You just never know around here!!! (BTW...I accidentally hit edit in the above post...meant to hit quote, so that is why you see that message)