Need to find this scarf or I'll die....

Where do you dig this stuff up?

i was there -- it's hilarious when you visit . . . there are willies all over pompeii! carved over brothel doors, stone seats shaped like them, scribbled graffitti -- apparently it was a symbol of good luck to the romans. there's one fresco of priapus (the demi-god with giant wiener, and the son of venus and adonis) at the front door of a villa -- he's weighing it on a scale and on the other side there's a bag of gold (guess that was saying it's worth it's weight in gold . . . .)

the brothels had porn frescos in the rooms -- they surmise as for the purpose of overcoming language difficulties as to what the visitors would like to order off the menu . . . .
So, have we determined that it is the willy factor that has shopmom on her hunt??? If so, we may need to change the whole tenor of our weeping and wailing should she(we) fail in her(our) quest!!!

BTW I was in Pompeii years ago on a "special" tour that included seeing especially naughty things behind locked gates....ahhh the benefits of a degree in Classics!!!
You know, the scarf actually says "superintendant of archaeology" at Pompeii, so I definitely think there is a connection between DQs link and SMs scarf....

BTW maybe we can hunt down the person who bought it on ebay in Oct and offer her a deal she cant refuse, eh.....??? Who is best suited for this, I wonder...GF?????