Need help: Sandstone RH Day or Sandstone GH City?

If it helps, I just went through the same dilemma. I chose the RH in the end and I feel very relieved about it. Given a choice I went for the RH, even though the GH was amazing.
Regular hardware day! If you decide to pass on the day, let me know where you found it as I am looking for one.

I think I'm going to go for the GH city. Although, now I don't know if I should get sandstone or white. AHHHHH!!! Too many decisions!

They have the RH sandstone day at Aloharag right now. They call it argile.
oh, btw...aloharag has the following day bags right now. i checked with them the other day so they should still have most of them in stock.

Day $995—truffe, argile, dark green, emerald and pony olive $1275
Giant Day w/ giant gold hardware $1245—black, red