Just curious- who comes from a family of LVers?

my mother blames herself for my obsession w/ LV since she gave me my first piece and bought me my first purse (and second, actually...). she also got my father to like it, too. you can say that she has quite an influence on us. :shame:
my sisters and my mom are not into designer stuff, so I can never share the joy of a new purchase with them, cuz their jaws would drop and would nag me for months every time they hear of how much my bags cost...hence, I never wanna tell 'em the truth...instead, I share my joy w/ my younger bro, who's gf is into designer stuff, so he knows the prices of these things, and would even discuss w/ me the details of it etc...hehe...how ironic...
well i was born in india (came here when i was 6 months old hehe) soooo no one back there is crazy into LV or whoever for that matter...but when we came to the us no one really got into designers until much later (highschool for me hehe) but then it started off with guess (haha in 9th grade back then it WAS designer to me ;) ) then up to coach and now im stuck at gucci and lv...sometimes i fear whats going to happen when i get older! im 24 now and where do i go now? sha know? hehe

but i think my obsession with luxury goods stemmed from my daddy. He always told me, "you dont need 20 things, just have one REALLY nice thing and cherish it. You will respect it more and it will last longer than those 20 combined." --> so far his theory is 1000% true!

My moms addicted to jewels and her watches, her recent loves are her rado's and diamond necklaces! haha my brother has his moments, like the time he went to vegas and i asked him to pick up a wallet from gucci since our store was out, he got himself one to because hes like i want one tooo (hes 5 years older hehe but we argue like kids still) but in all fairness he did get my mom a gucci bag and his wife gucci diamond earrings

hehe sorry my post was long, but this is a really interesting thread!
Fun thread. My mom has carried LV for about 15 years. I grew to love LV only within the last 7-8 years. We're a family who likes designer goods, I suppose. Nothing too ostentatious, though. We're definitely not about flashing our stuff. LV is my favorite brand for handbags and accessories, although I do have a few other brands that I look to when new merchandise hits the shelves.
I did , My mom had LV's now i have them and we share. And something else that i got introduced when i was little was Fountain pens and watches. My dad was a collector. So i thank them both for my good tastes. Now my daugher (when i have one) will have all my goodies. SHoes and LV's Lucky her!!!
Wow, no LV in my immediate family at all! So, I'm not sure where it comes from, but anyway, I just enjoy it.

My grandmother on my Mom's side was always dressed to the nines...St. John suits, BV bags, Ferragamo pumps...so elegant! I really looked up to her for her style and so many other reasons!!
are you talking about the last generation? as in our parents? lol
nah not at all... *I blame COMMUNISM*... kinda joking... but it has some serious degree of truth in it cuz of what happened to my grandparents' generation... (oh ya... I mean TRUE communism and not the pseudo-communism of today's China which is totally true capitalism imo...)
I started to become interested in designers about 2 years ago after seeing my cousin in China. So I bought my first LV bag, but then stopped for a year after satisfying my craving and jealousy lol. However I came back to LV with true LoVe :biggrin: Happy ending
My parents like good old-fashioned quality but never were into designers at all. So that makes me a completely self-made addict :P, I guess. It's a shame actually, as I like vintage pieces and had to get them second-hand as there were no hand-me-downs in my family :sad:.