Informal tPF MOCA meet

~Betsy~..thanks for eVite btw. I'm sorry that I missed out on the luncheon with you ladies. Rachel was so nice to give me direction-I got sooooo lost with my friend. I must have called her ten thousands time. I absolutely have no sense of direction, DH gave me the GBS but it went wacko on me..I did get to me up with Peace43. I was standing in line right behind her and her DH. Now come to think about it I did see LVbabydoll with her mom. Peace43 mentioned that she recognized LVbabydoll...but LVbabydoll's stunning bag-Miroir caught my eyes first:smile:Anyway, it's too bad I came so much later because the line got longer. Thanks again for organizing the meet, maybe better luck next time:tpfrox:
Thank you!!! Yes, I am very lucky to have such a well behaved dog. He has always been really mellow. He makes it so easy to take him everywhere with me. He goes with me to work everyday. He gets to the office and goes straight on his bed and people come in and out and he never moves or make and noise. If he spends 5 hours home alone a month that is a lot. I have a stroller I push him in most of the time. He loves being pushed around. I keep saying my next dog is going to be the dog from hell since he is so good. I can leave the room and leave a full plate of food where he can get it and he will not touch it.

You can tell I do not have kids.... LOL

It is all my DH's fault. He found him when he was a puppy and brought him home. I did not want a dog. That was 9 years ago

Lol well he's definitely your "kid", what a sweetheart. I bet he loves all the attention he gets too, when he's out. I'm so surprised he's so mellow, that's definitely not typical of chihuahuas! My friend has 7 (the female had puppies and they couldn't bear to get rid of any of them) and they're all little terrors. You have to hide if you don't want them to nip at your feet. :P