Important Reminder- PLEASE READ!!!!

I think ebay is sometimes mentioned in innocence when a newbie comes on and says oh I saw this amazing dark blue Balenciaga with gold studs and I wanna know where I can get one, etc. A newbie wouldn't know current season colors and what the color is called and what is available in stores anymore and I've seen people try to direct them toward ebay as one of their only choices of finding an older color. How is this best handled?
To be completely clear on the point, this is not allowed:

"There is one on e*** right now!!"

And the use of "e***" in the original post would seem to indicate the OP understood this too. Please adhere to the spirit of the rules :flowers:

Ooops I have done this in the past...

Sorry Mods, have re-read and now understood :shame:
Yikes, I think I'm guilty of this. I never posted a link, which I definitely knew was against the rules, but I have mentioned "I saw one on Ebay" :shame:. Sorry! I know all the rules now :yes:.
I've been guilty in the past as well. This clarification was really helpful. What I remember reading in the rules was "no mentioning eBay auctions" which I thought meant linking to specific items. It might be more helpful just to say "No mentioning eBay," to avoid any such confusion.