I just donated to "Locks of Love", but...

^^ I have a friend who has done this repeatedly...she grows her gorgeous hair down to about midway down her back, gets a super cute bob, donates her hair...repeat cycle! How cool is that??
What you did was so kind of you!
I have long hair (about mid-boob level) and I've toyed around with the idea of doing the Locks Of Love thing but my hair is so much a part of me! :s
Hopefully one day I'll have the guts to do it!
Suli, that is a wonderful thing that you did. I know it's hard when you cut too much off. It will grow back and like some of the other poster's suggested, maybe check out a more trendy style. Maybe, get some of the hair books and go through them and see if there is something you like.
I think you've done a wonderful thing. Just think that some poor girl somewhere undergoing treatment for cancer will be able to have a beautiful head of hair. You have to get used to your new style. If you've had very long hair for a long time it'll take time getting used too. And if you still can't come to terms with it, let it grow out again!
you're truly a special person -- because i don't think i could ever do it! [ so .. what kind of person does that make me! :sad: ]

it's totally okay to be sad about the hair u "lost!" .. so don't beat yourself up over that!

.. luckily, it is ONLY hair .. and it WILL grow back.

u did an extremely selfless thing, though .. and you definitely should be commended! :smile:
...I feel awful! I know that I'm going to sound incredibly selfish and stupid, but I'm still trying to get used to the incredibly short hair that I now have. I've had long, long hair since HS and many people have complimented me on my hair, saying that I should donate it. I finally decided to do that, and made an appt. last night. It was way more traumatic than I thought it would be, and I cried when I got home. I'm being incredibly stupid, right?

Don't feel bad! I donated my hair to LoL two and a half years ago, and I felt the exact same way. I also cried, haha. Honestly, it's just the shock - it gets better and you know you did a great thing so don't let it get you down!